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Friday, July 31, 2009

He’s no Robert Moses, but who is?

A little over a year ago I prepared to take the Columbia University Journalism School entrance exam. It’s among the best graduate j-schools in the country, and I figured it wouldn’t hurt to apply.

I wanted to prepare as best I could for a Columbia education, so I called a professor there for reading suggestions. He said I should read Robert Caro’s “The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York.”

Robert Moses was New York City’s city planner who designed the current modern New York City. While I only read between a quarter and a half of the text’s 1344 pages, I took away the fact that Moses was a very effective city planner.

But apparently Omaha’s own city planner, or rather “planning director,” doesn’t have Moses’ gravitas.

The Omaha World-Herald reported today Rick Cunningham, Mayor Suttle’s appointee for planning director, may not meet the city charter’s requirements for the position:

The city charter specifies that the planning director must have at least five years of experience in a “city planning post.”

Suttle's incoming planning director, Rick Cunningham, has a resume that reflects extensive experience in the private sector and as a government consultant focusing in the areas of engineering and architecture. But he has not worked as a city planning employee for a municipality.

The Mayor's Office says Cunningham, who worked with Suttle at consulting firm HDR Inc., is qualified for the position.

Cunningham’s experience is impressive, though it may not meet charter requirements.

But this seems odd from a man who on two occasions called for the most experienced person to get the city out of financial trouble. As we mentioned yesterday, he said the city was having a heart attack and we need a heart surgeon.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Public discussion—round 2

Mayor Suttle and other city officials appeared last night at Benson High School to discuss the proposed 2010 city budget.

And again—more speed dating.

WOWT reported it was organized similarly to Tuesday’s meeting, but went more smoothly:

“Organizers say they learned from that and changed how some of it worked. They used a bigger space this time and it was a little easier to hear.”

One issue that keeps surfacing is the big salary increases he’s giving some new appointees.

When confronted with it, Suttle has latched onto a not so subtle sound bite.

The quote—I’ll paraphrase here—the city’s having a heart attack, and we need a heart surgeon.

WOWT quoted him saying it last night: “We need professional people. We're having a heart attack. I need a surgeon and not a carpenter.”

The Omaha World-Herald reported he said it Tuesday night: “Your city is having a heart attack,” Suttle said, “and I need a heart surgeon.”

Repeating the same line over and over probably won't convince people that it’s a wise move. An explanation might go along way. Even if that explanation was that Werner Enterprises, the former employer of finance director Pam Spaccarotella, donated $1,000 to your campaign.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Speed-dating, Suttle style

I’ve always been tempted to sign up for a speed-dating event. A group of women would sit around a room at different tables and I would visit each one briefly to try to court them.

Apparently Mayor Jim Suttle harbored a similar wish, because that’s exactly how he organized last night’s 2010 city budget public hearing.

The Omaha World-Herald reported Suttle and other public officials broke the attendees into groups and then visited each one:

“The crowd was split into groups of about 20 people around large tables. Suttle and representatives of several city departments, including police, fire, public works and parks, individually visited each table for 10 minutes, answering questions about the city's finances.”

The mayor and his staff may have decided consciously that the speed-dating format would be best because it’s obvious Omaha’s citizens need to be wooed.

One quote from the World-Herald may sum-up what people in Omaha think:

“People are very angry,” Dorothy Higgins said. “There are a lot of hard feelings. I don't think there has been much thought given to taxpayers.”

Word of warning, Mr. Mayor, from a guy who’s been single for a while: you won’t get a second date with “a lot of hard feelings.”


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We were wrong!

The best thing about a blog is its instentaniousness.

We have to admit that we were wrong in one of our posts yesterday, when we reported:

But the training of new police recruits will be put on hold for another year. The city currently has 820 sworn officers. The next class, stalled until May, will have 24 recruits – well short of the 40 budgeted for training this year.

That isn't correct.

The next police recruit class of 42 will be this November. The one afer that, to get 24 more officers, is in May.

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Suttle's dilemma similar to RoboCop 2 Mayor's

I may have jumped the gun when I suggested Mayor Jim Suttle was trying to be Batman—another nerdy movie reference may have been much more fitting:

Detroit’s mayor from the second RoboCop movie.

As you’ll recall, that character was trying to save Detroit from bankruptcy by borrowing cash from the evil corporation OCP. The city couldn’t pony on their debt, which led to the company taking over the city.

The current situation in city hall seems similar. We are indebted to the Qwest Center for about $216 million dollars, and Suttle hopes to close the city's budget shortfalls with a 2 percent entertainment tax. That didn't sit well with the elite entertainers at the Metropolitan Entertainment and Convention Authority.

The Omaha World-Herald reported today that MECA—which runs the Qwest Center—offered a $5.6 million advance for the Qwest's remaining naming rights that cover the next eight years.

“The offer: an advance of the convention center and arena's remaining naming rights payments through 2017, using MECA's reserve funds, if the mayor agreed to forgo his proposed entertainment tax. Each year, Qwest Communications Inc. sends MECA a payment for naming the complex after the telecommunications company.”

This looks an awful lot like a bribe to me. “Hey, mister, drop the tax idea and we’ll give you $5.6 million dollars.”

Unlike RoboCop 2’s mayor, who was thoroughly corrupt, in co-hoots with an organized drug cartel and probably would have taken the bribe, Suttle rejected the offer.

The entertainment tax will bring in almost double MECA’s $5.6 million, estimated at over $10 million, which would go much further to close that $11 million shortfall.

(NOTE: I corrected post title from "Suttle like RoboCop 2's Mayor" to "Suttle's dilemma similar to RoboCop 2 Mayor's" after a comment pointed out it was confusing. Thanks for the catch!)

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Monday, July 27, 2009

What's next in the Manns trial?

I spoke w/ two attorneys on opposite ends of the Angela Manns murder case today, and neither produced any new information.

Gary Olson, who is representing Manns with Tom Riley, gave me a flat “no comment.”

The Aug. 12 court appearance will be Manns’ preliminary hearing—which Don Kleine, Douglas County attorney, described as a safeguard against a prosecutor making a bogus case and keeping someone in jail.

Kleine said it would be “quite some time” before this case went to trial, and added this is an ongoing investigation.

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Quick, Robin, to the Suttle-Mobile!

Is it just me, or is this town is looking more and more like Gotham City pre-Batman?

Four people were shot this weekend, including one 17-year-old. That's down from the 9 people shot last weekend, or 12 if you include that Friday.

To be fair, the powers that be are taking action. For instance police arrested Tyrone Starks on July 24 for the attempted murder of Carrdale Hannah.

And Mayor Jim Suttle told the City Council last Tuesday that he is including funding for forty-four new police cruisers and the public safety auditor.

But the training of new police recruits will be put on hold for another year. The city currently has 820 sworn officers. The next class, stalled until May, will have 24 recruits – well short of the 40 budgeted for training this year.

So is Mayor Suttle trying to be Omaha’s caped crusader?

(Note: We were wrong! The next police recruit class of 42 will be this November. The one afer that, to get 24 more officers, is in May.)

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Illegal alien gets 18 months for fire arm possession

Ricardo Jimenez-Ortega will spend 18 months in prison for having three pistols and two rifles in his Wakefield, Neb. trailer home.

Jimenez-Ortega, 25, must also spend three years in supervised release and pay a $100 special assessment. He was arrested last March, and is not in the United States legally--according to a press release.


New OPD info

Here's what the original press release said:
"Officers searched the area for the suspect and were able to locate her. The suspect was transported to police headquarters for questioning. The investigation is continuing."

Here's what last night's press release said:
"Officers searched the area for the suspect, but were unable to locate her. This investigation is continuing."

Here's an e-mail statement from Officer Michael Pecha in OPD's press office:
"I found an email from a Sergeant that was sent on the 19th that
corrected the original email and said that the overnight should have
indicated that officers were "unable" to locate the suspect. I don't
know where all the additional info about detectives interviewing her
came from."

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Police press release raises questions

Omaha police are looking for LaMesha Wright in connection to last week's stabbing of Derrico Hebron.

What's weird about this is one tiny detail--the initial press release said Police took a suspect in for questioning that night, but that the investigation is ongoing.

They never named a suspect, so we don't know if Wright was the person they took in.

However, the press release issued last night said police were unable to locate a suspect.

So which is it? Did they find a suspect and take her in for questioning, as they said in the initial press release? Or were they unable to locate a suspect?

Perhaps they took in a suspect who was not Wright--but if that's the case, why was the press release amended?

I just spoke with Officer Michael Pecha over at OPD about it, who said they may have brought her in for questioning but did not make an arrest.

He couldn't explain the difference in the press release, as another PR officer issued them and is out of the office today.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Two Council Bluffs men arrested near N 49 th and Chicago

Just got off the phone with Officer Jacob Bettin at the Omaha Police Department, who told us two men were arrested for a burglary near N. 49th and Chicago.

Police got a "burglary in progress" radio call for 4817 Chicago St.

They arrested Timothy Love, 40, and Ricky Stephens, 48, for one count of burglary, one count of possession of burglary tools, obstructing a peace officer, and destruction of property.

Bettin said both men are from Council Bluffs.

Thanks to @beckstordinary for the tip!

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Kwik Shop robbery

Omaha police were called to the Kwik Shop near S. 49th and L early Thursday after it was robbed.

The store clerk told officers two men came in demanding money. They took the cash drawer and fled.

Police couldn't find the suspects.

This is the third Kwik Shop robbery in two days.

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CORRECTION: Holmes shooting was last March

I jumped the gun last night and reported Gary Holmes was shot that evening. This was inaccurate.

He was, in fact, shot March 11, 2009.

The Omaha Police did, however, arrest Akeem Jones, 18, yesterday afternoon.

I apologize for the misreporting.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Omaha's body count rises

Gary Holmes is the latest homicide victim in Omaha.

Omaha police said they investigated a shooting near N. 42nd and Ames Ave, where they found two men injured. Holmes and Rodney Smith, both 23, were taken to Creighton University Medical Center.

Holmes was pronounced dead at the hospital, and Smith remains in critical condition.

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Officers arrested Akeem Jones, 18, for first degree murder, first degree attempted murder and other related charges.


Omaha archbishop installed today

Archbishop George Lucas will be installed at St. Cecilia's Cathedral today at 2p.

Yesterday we called Omaha's archdiocese to see if we could get a camera inside for coverage, but they declined.

They are letting in Alabama-based EWTN, a Catholic cable channel. You can watch their live feed here.

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NYT misses the real story on Kris Kobach

A recent New York Times piece on anti-illegal immigrant attorney Kris Kobach missed the real story on the man behind a myth. Kobach has made a career out of offering relatively cheap, expert legal advise to people looking to rid their city's of undocumented immigrants. But Kobach's false promises have led several city's into a a financial hole, as they face millions of dollars in court costs and lawsuits.

Check out The Reader's coverage of Kobach and how Fremont, Neb. is on it's way to becoming another Kobach casualty.

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30th and Bedford victim identified

Omaha police said the man shot and killed near 30th and Bedford was 39-year-old Christopher Dickson.

They released Dickson's name after notifying his next of kin.


Two Kwik Shop robberies

Omaha police said two Kwik Shops were robbed early this morning.

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Man shot and killed near 30th and Bedford

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Omaha police said they found a man shot near 30th and Bedford beside a vehicle that had flipped over late Tuesday night.

The victim was taken to Nebraska Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nebraska DMV to resume licensing

The Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles said this afternoon that it will resume licensing drivers.

Driver licensing services will resume tomorrow morning, Wednesday, July 22 in the following cities: Omaha, Lincoln, Papillion, Grand Island, Hastings, Kearney, Lexington, North Platte, and Gering. Sites will open at their normally scheduled times.

The department stopped licensing after a power surge Monday.


The key word is "entertainment" in Mayor Suttle's proposed budget

Mayor Jim Suttle proposed the 2010 budget today to the Omaha City Council.

Mayor Suttle's proposed budget "represents less than a 1% increase in total operating expenditures from 2009," according to a written statement.

Some of the more interesting items in the proposal have to do with entertainment and recreation. For instance the the mayor will "seek the closing of Westwood golf course was a first step towards reviewing all golf course operations and possible privatization."

He is proposing a 2 percent entertainment tax to help the city overcome its General Fudn shortfall.

To help meet the city's debt on the Qwest Center, the mayor is proposing a 2.4 cent property tax increase to help meet the city's debt on the Qwest Center.

Spending priorities include full funding for a police recruit class. The city's keno funds will help pay for 44 new police cruisers and help fund Omaha's libraries.


Lincoln stand-off ends with suicide

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The Lincoln Police said this afternoon it was called to Blue Flame Road after receiving a call saying someone broke into a home.

It turned out to be the caller's estranged husband, armed with a handgun. He barricaded himself in the bedroom, and police called in their SWAT team.

The man took the woman hostage, but eventually released her. After firing one round at police, he shot himself in the head.

He was pronounced dead at 6:41a after being brought to Bryan LGH West.


Bucky's gas station robbed

Omaha police say the Bucky's Gas Station near S. 40th and Dodge was robbed at gunpoint early this morning. Officers couldn't find the suspect.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Man arrested for June 28 shooting

Omaha police arrested Jesus Martinez, 21, for allegedly shooting Ivan Vilchis on June 28 near S. 33rd and Q.

Police found Vilchis, 23, outside the La Esmarelda restaurant 3 weeks ago. A rescue squad took him to Creighton University Medical Center for treatment.

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La Vista police arrest another in online sex sting

La Vista police arrested Jeremy Fitzgerald for sexual assault by electronic communication device this afternoon. Police allege Fitzgerald, 21, initiated a conversation with someone he believed was a 15-year-old girl and asked for sex.

The 15-year-old girl was actually a La Vista police detective.

Police arrested Fitzgerald at a "pre-arranged meeting place," according to a press release.


Blog-view: Leavenworth Street upset with Sen. Ben Nelson and Mayor Jim Suttle

Conservative blog Leavenworth Street is not happy with Mayor Suttle, saying he decided to up the finance director's sallary by $80,000 and close a public pool one week early to save $75,000.

The blog also points says Sen. Ben Nelson put cows on his turkey hunting retreat to claim it as a farm and get a tax cut.

Read the post here.


Blog-view: Suttle Watch calls foul on bloody weekend

The anti-Mayor Jim Suttle "Suttle Watch" blog has a new post comparing Suttle to South Park character Officer Bar Brady after not commenting on this past violent weekend.

Read the post here.


Blog-view: New Nebraska Network calls out Gov. Dave Heineman's fight for "anti-gay discrimination"

New Nebraska Network's Kyle Michaelis wrote a post contending that Gov. Dave Heineman's administration has been "leading the charge behind the scenes FOR this right to discriminate - in both mental health and in social work."

Check out New Nebraska Network's latest blog post here.


Shooting near 22nd and Jones

Omaha police say 21-year-old Carrdale Hannah was shot near 22nd and Jones. A rescue squad took him to Nebraska Medical Center with serious injuries, though he is expected to survive.

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Nebraska DMV halts licensing drivers

The Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles issued a statement early this morning saying a power surge disrupted them as they tried to implement the new driver's licensing system.

The DMV will not license drivers until they fix the problem.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday shooting victims identified

The Omaha Police released the identities of the five survivors of Saturday's shooting at 18th and Miami.

Kevin Charles, 38, Ladderel Richards, 32, Rodney Gray Sheppard, 49, Thurston McCaskill, 49, and a 13-year-old minor were shot in what police say looks like a drive-by shooting.


More weekend shootings

Omaha police kept busy this weekend with shootings, cuttings and a bank heist. Not only was there the 18th and Miami shooting that claimed Vincent Page's life and left five others wounded, but there were two more Omaha shootings Saturday night and Sunday morning.

Saturday night saw Amos Simpson, 20, shot near 37th and Redick Ave. Simpson told police he was a passenger in a vehicle that was shot at by another vehicle. Police could not find any suspects.

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A 16-year-old told police he was shot near 24th and Curtis Ave. early Sunday morning. He told officers he heard gunshots while walking, and fled. He then noticed he suffered a gunshot wound.

A private vehicle took him to Nebraska Medical Center, where he was released with a non-life threatening wound.


Bellevue woman drives car into neighbor's home

The Sarpy County Sheriff's office said a 53-year-old woman crashed her vehicle into a home at 2706 Michaela Drive as she drove out of the driveway on July 18. She and a passenger were taken to Midlands Hospital.

The home was "severly damaged," according to a press release.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Shooting victim photo

Douglas County Corrections released a photo of Vincent Page, 22, who was killed in the early Saturday shooting at 18th and Miami.


Lincoln Dems host a picnic

The Lincoln Journal-Star reported Saturday that The Lancaster County Democrats will hold their annual picnic July 25 at Antelope Park.

But one thing mentioned in the article raises an eyebrow:

All Democrats in Lancaster County are invited, said Becki Gaston, chair of the Lancaster County Democratic Party.
Does that mean they're going to ID folks when they get to the potluck?">


Shooting victim dies

Omaha police released a statement at 12:43p reporting Vincent Page, 22, has died.

Page was shot near 18th and Miami early Saturday morning.


Shooting at 18th and Miami

Omaha police's homicide unit is investigating an early morning shooting at 18th and Miami.

Five adults and one minor were shot when police arrived at the scene.

A rescue squad took the victims to the Nebraska Medical Center. One of the adults suffered life-threatening wounds, while the outher victims' injuries are not considered life-threatening.

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Bryan Cohen covers breaking news in Omaha, Lincoln and Council Bluffs.

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