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News of the Weird

Monday, July 27, 2009

Quick, Robin, to the Suttle-Mobile!

Is it just me, or is this town is looking more and more like Gotham City pre-Batman?

Four people were shot this weekend, including one 17-year-old. That's down from the 9 people shot last weekend, or 12 if you include that Friday.

To be fair, the powers that be are taking action. For instance police arrested Tyrone Starks on July 24 for the attempted murder of Carrdale Hannah.

And Mayor Jim Suttle told the City Council last Tuesday that he is including funding for forty-four new police cruisers and the public safety auditor.

But the training of new police recruits will be put on hold for another year. The city currently has 820 sworn officers. The next class, stalled until May, will have 24 recruits – well short of the 40 budgeted for training this year.

So is Mayor Suttle trying to be Omaha’s caped crusader?

(Note: We were wrong! The next police recruit class of 42 will be this November. The one afer that, to get 24 more officers, is in May.)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Batman would NEVER close the Sun Dawgs program, public pools, and frighten the children by putting forth the idiotic notion that the pools and libraries would be closed next year because the city is bankrupt. Shame on The Reader for suggesting such hogwash.

12:18 AM  

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