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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Satellite fee from space

The primary task facing the Omaha City Council during last night's marathon budget session was to close an estimated $10 million shortfall in 2010. The final combination of cuts and “revenue enhancements” (“taxes” and “fee's” are so negative) were generally not surprising: increases to the property tax and building inspection fees on the revenue side; wage freezes, furloughs, layoffs and stalling equipment upgrades on the savings side.

But more than a fifth of the $10 million gap was closed through a proposed $50 fee on TV satellite inspections. The idea came from Councilman Chris Jerram, who recently failed to revive the Mayors controversial entertainment tax.

Yesterday a satellite inspection fee was barely on the radar of way's to close the city's budget gap, today its the centerpiece. The fee will receive two public hearings before the council votes on it. Here's what we know thus far:
  • Residents installing new dishes will be required to pay a $50 fee. A $50 registration fee for existing dishes will need to be paid by Sept. 1, 2010.
  • The ordinance applies to domestic satellite dish's, defined as “any equipment, fittings, cables, electrical connections and components, and structures” associated with TV, internet and audio transmissions.
  • Exempt are satellite dishes installed for commercial, educational or governmental purposes. (Read: no businesses are effected, only residential installations.)
  • Every dish will be inspected at the renewal of the registration.
  • The inspection shall verify that the structure of the dish complies with existing standards in the city code.
More details to come.


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